Before arriving in Venice, when I thought about this place, I had a blur of 7 different places from movies in my head.
When we arrived via “large personal autobus”, all the images became clear, and it is exactly what you would think it is.
We drove to the docks, left our vehicle, and piled into the water taxi.

We taxied through the Grand Canal and other smaller, narrow canals; under bridges, and finally made it to Judaica (the island of Venice where the Stucky Milano Hilton lies.)
The inside is just as gorgeous… though I didn’t take any pictures inside because there were too many to take, you can check out the hotel here: _Hilton Venice.

Everything in Venice is literally by water. They transport goods; the police and ambulances travel via water; and they have public “bus” transportation via water as well. As you could guess, this could cause you to become quite motion sick after a couple days. By the third day, everything was moving.
While Tony checked us into the hotel, Jen wasted no time ordering up some Bellinis. Now being a champagne conesour like myself you would think I would have been exposed to such a phenomenal drink. However, I wasn’t. Bellinis = Champagne + peaches (but not chunks of peaches, more like a fresh blend).
We took the kids up to the pool, which is on top of the hotel and over looks the entire island(s). With every Bellini ordered came fresh fruit cups. There is something about the fruits and vegetables and everything in Europe. It is all so fresh and there’s just nothing like it in America. Next uncovered delicious food… Coconut. I thought I hated coconut because I don’t really like it in my drinks, but fresh coconut is quite tasty. Ironically, it tastes like a nut, but a tad fruitier. The pool was warmer than the 100 degree air, so it didn’t take long for me to call it quits. I have seen so much sunshine this passed month I’m becoming a sun baby (only taking in small bits at a time. I seriously cannot get any tanner.)

Our first night in Venice, Jen & Tony took me out to the main island of San Marco for drinks and a nice dinner without the children. First stop.. Harry’s. Harry’s is apparently one of the most famous bars in the world, for no good reason (except it’s awesome!) Harry’s is famous because the bar allegedly is responsible for the creation of Bellinis (great!) and Ernest Hemmingway wrote all of his books in this bar. All of the waiters are in white tuxedos and the drinks were worth every last overpriced cent.

We walked through the main piazza and found our way to another popular spot in Venice, IVO, a restaurant near the water. You could take a gondola to this cute place. According to the Venetian workers, Billy Joel eats at this restaurant once a year. Kind of cool.
This dinner was probably the best dinner I’ve had in my 3 weeks overseas. (I even tried lots of new things!) We started off with some tomato stuff and muschrooms and asparagus, and some breaded seafood thing that I couldn’t eat. Had a first course of truffles which were the most undescribably delicious thing that I have ever taseted. They just are so different than other foods. They tasted similar to nuts, but just more clean. For my main course, Jen and I ordered grilled sea bass. The cleanest, easiest piece of fish I’ve ever tasted (which isn’t much). I was on such a roll, I even tried Tony’s sardines. GROSS! So disgusting!! (But at least I tried.)We had a tasty red bottle of wine (or 2) to accompany or meal. Look Dad, I even took this picture with my sea bass especially for you:

After dinner, our waiter was explaining to Tony how I look exactly like the reporter from Iron Man. None of knew who that was since he wasn’t talking about Gwyneth Paltrow. I guess this is who he was referring to, Leslie Bibb:

(I don’t see it)

(our waiter)
On our water taxi water ride home, we had quite the party. On the deck below us we had the preacher and his followers singing us some gospel hymns. This Persian leader would sing something and everyone else would chant after him in unison. The greatest part is, they were 100% sober. Don’t we miss that good ol’ fashion fun, or did it never even exist for us?
Jen and I went up to the Skyline Bar for a nightcap before ending the evening. We discovered we drink the same drink! (except for the soda vs. water). Regardless, the drinks took about 20 minutes to come, which makes no sense since they don’t even mix them together. We listened to U2 – “One” and then some loud goth music blarred from the speakers and a deep voice recording shouts something to the effect of “last call.”
We headed back to the room & I got to Video chat with Giorgio!! SO COOL except for my shaky stolen internet.
Thursday, we swam at the pool early, had lunch at the Skyline restaurant in the Hilton, and then I went to explore San Marco for a bit.
I went in search of the Rialto (the sole bridge that crosses the Grand Canal, but failed.
The streets in Venice are crazy and nearly impossible to navigate. Furthermore, you’d be going down a small alley, which is completely legit in Venice, and then you’d hit a dead end, water.
I tried to use the washroom in an empty restaurant but the dude was just not having it. He told me to use the public restrooms at the end of the plaza. Where is the end in a square plaza? I’m not sure. But apparently, you just follow the WC à signs that are on the ground! Then you pay 1.50 euro to pee in a hole. No thank you. Instead, we stopped at a place in the plaza for Bellinis and some peaceful music.

The problem with the plaza and all of Venice are the damn pigeons are relentless. They are not scared of people and they are creepy. Even worse, people actually let those nasty things sit on their arms like the bird woman in Home Alone 2.

We didn’t make it to the Rialto bridge Thursday, but we still had Friday to explore. We ran into people that Jen knew from back home, really small world, but it made us late for our ferry to the next island. Frank and I sprinted to the dock, but ended up missing the boat anyway. We took the next boat to Zattera and had dinner at a pizza joint called “Ae Oche Pizzeria.” I was basically falling asleep at the dinner table and crashed immediately when we got back.

For our last day in Venice, I had my perfect breakfast!! (Mimosa and fruit-- including my first grape not in wine form in 3 weeks!

And we finally made it to the Rialto bridge!

It was lined with markets and shops and lots of people. I was ready to head back to the hotel while the rest of the crew at lunch. Unfortunately, the boat shuttle to our hotel was only running on the hour and I had 50 minutes to wait it out in the blistering sun. There was no shade, and you can’t really sit at a restaurant unless you want to eat or drink something, and I really didn’t have the energy to do either of those. So I sat and sweated off 10 lbs of water. Seriously. Those of you who have trouble dieting, sit in the sweltering heat in Venice for a few hours a day. Feeling sick from the heat and the water, I rested up in the room, watched some gossip girl, and relaxed in my last night in Venice.
No gondola ride this time around.. but I wouldn't have wanted to go anyways. Something (or someone) would be missing.
Xo Kel