
Friday, March 23, 2012

Countdown to Spring Break

Less than 7 hours until spring break! Less than 48 hours until Arizona! Yes, I am equally to more excited for spring break than my students. I know that we have had unbelievable weather this past week, but it’s not the same as being on vacation. For starters, I’ve been working all week which has seriously affected my bronze time (which has been limited to my after-school runs). Also, it seemed a little strange to put on my bathing suit in March, in Chicago. Not saying that I wouldn’t have done it, but still strange.

Why vacations are amazeballs:

1. The number one thing I look forward to the most is the SUN! Mostly, because we usually don’t have it as often as we should in Chicago. Sunshine makes me happy. And tan—which also makes me happy. And there’s just so much more to do when it’s warm and sunny.

2. The people—Whether it’s the people you’re travelling with, the friends/ family you’re visiting, or the new encounters that you meet along the way.. The people really do make or break a vacation. On this particular trip, I’m getting a little bit of everything. I’m traveling alone to visit my friend, G, who recently moved to AZ. I can’t wait because I haven’t seen him since August! (What?!) He just started a new job, so I’ll be spending my days by the pool alone (which is also a very valued part of vacation for me.) Mid week though, I’ll be heading with a new friend (Greg’s buddy) on a 2 day excursion to the Grand Canyon! (I’ve never been and can’t wait!!)

3. Leads me to another reason—New Adventures. I have never been to Grand Canyon and now I get to hike it, sleep in it, watch the sun rise and set in it. Amazing!! Pictures to come, for sure. In the general sense, I love the “Just Do It” attitude on vacation because you never know when the opportunity will arise again. Almost all of the “coolest experiences I’ve ever had” on my list happened somewhere other than home.

4. Outdoor running—again I’m used to still having snow on the ground and being stuck on a treadmill. But nothing gets your blood pumping quite like that first warm outdoor run.

5. Just getting away—this reason is two-fold. First, getting away from your daily routine (work, run, dinner, TV/ read, pass out) and the monotony of laundry and dishes and picking up and putting away.. It’s boring and overrated. You know what else you don’t have to deal with? A cell phone. Obviously I’ll be using my phone, but isn’t it nice that you don’t NEED it? Who do you need to get in contact with when you’re on vacation? No one will be hunting you down if you skip their call because once you get out of range, your no longer that important. Even though it seems wrong to say it out loud, I appreciate having a break from people that you see every day (and drama) and it makes you realize how much you love and miss your friends, family, or significant others.

6. And finally—though I could go on for days—Island Time. You never really have to be anywhere at any time for any particular reason. When you come from a down to the minute schedule that I run my life on, it’s a nice break. Funny enough, I feel like my bed time stays the same on break. The sun always drains me to an early bedtime and 7am is “sleeping in.” So even on vacation I am early to bed and early to rise.

I have to laugh whenever I go on vacation because I always think about being an out-of-town guest. My friends wrote this hysterical article for the Harvard Crimson that depicts why that role is so clutch and what you can get away with just because you’re from out-of-town. I also am partial to the story because they ran it right before my visit to Harvard. If you’re looking for a laugh, read this. The Bell Lap: The Ultimate College Visit I always think of this before a trip.

Happy Spring Break!! And if you don't have one.. just pretend like you do. They're really fun!

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