
Monday, April 2, 2012

AZ Recap: Part II

Day 5: Grand Canyon Part 1.  Got an early start on our journey.  On the drive up I was already in awe.  The scenery was incredible and driving thru the mountains was definitely engaging.  I'm not going to lie.. I was pretending like I was playing Mario Kart, you know the mountain level.  Around every corner there was a new warning sign for falling rocks, elk, cows, or a crazy decline.  To add to it, there were splattered bugs and mud all over the windshield like the MK "ghost" came and spat on me.  We drove upward some 8,000 feet of elevation.  My ears were popping.  

When we finally found somewhere to park, I ran like a giddy school girl to the rim and gasped at its pure beauty.  It was everything you couldn't imagine it being.  Note: The pictures I post will not do it justice so you MUST see it for yourself.  

Bright Angel Trail

We hiked down 3 miles on the Bright Angel Trail.  It's a pretty populated trail with all different ages, shapes, and sizes along the trail (including Mules).  Some people had camped by the river or the Indian Gardens and were on their way back up. 


Around every turn you can't help but revel in what's before you.  Every turn brings a new magnificent view.  

When we finished our tiring 6 mile trek, we were ravenous.  But we couldn't miss this.

The sun setting on the canyon.

Somehow there was a 45 minute to an hour wait at all the restaurants in the village, but luckily too. As we're sitting outside on a bench looking into the dark, vast, canyon, we see a comet!  So bright and so close and burned long enough that you could have taken a picture.  Simply amazing.  

Day 6: We got up for sunrise, but didn't have much of a picture-esk view.  For future reference, if you go to the GC-- Mohave Point would have had some pretty incredible views for a sunrise/sunset.  At somewhere near 24 degrees, we packed up and got ready for our day's hike.  We went west to Hermits Rest and started are 3 mile, 1400 ft descend to the Dripping Springs.  

My front row seat to the sunrise.

The first part of the trail was cold and rocky.  After about an hour into it, the sun started to do its thing and warm us up.  After passing the campground, the road got less rocky and more like red dirt.. and whole lot scarier.  I cannot express to you how terrified I was on the second leg of this trail.  The trail was about 2 feet wide and on the edge of the canyon.  

Below is a short video of one of the scarier parts of the trail.


There was one moment of mental weakness when I wanted to turn back, but so thankful I didn't.  Doesn't seem like much, but it was just perfect.  

So at the bottom of our hike, 78 degrees and sunny, we had our lunch on 3 rocks.  Rice cakes and Sunflower Seed Butter (heavenly) and just some okay scenery.  

This spot was actually terrifying.

We went from the "YOU ARE HERE" to Dripping Springs!

A few hiking tips I picked up:  Camelbacks are a necessity-- easy, accessible, abundance of water. Eat filling meals.  People who hike in jeans are ridiculous. Bring your boyfriend so he can rub your feet when you finish!

Day 7: Back to the pool.  88 degrees in the desert.  After some serious sun time, Sara, Jake and I went to the Tempe Art Fest.  It was great walking around and of course topped of with some Sangria on a patio.  After dinner, we had every intention of going to the casino before my redeye flight, but the thought of smoke smelling hair on an airplane just didn't seem right.  So instead, we picked up a bottle of Sangria, and climbed to the top of A mountain for. 

Of course, I had to make a dramatic exit by losing my wallet from the car to right inside the airport doors.  But blonde luck prevailed and I found it in time to catch my flight with Joan Rivers.

Final Thoughts on the trip:  Reverse happy hour is legit. Chips n salsa are an appetizer, not a meal. Everything is out to get you in the desert. Try something new everyday, even if it scares you! Must buy Sunflower Seed Butter.  G and Sara are pretty cool too. I think I'll be back.

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