
Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Happy Place

Today is the day I turn September around.  I am washing away my negative thoughts and feelings today.  No complaining. And no talking about tiresome situations. 

So here's to a new day: September 20th.  (Yes, I just raised my passion fruit iced tea into the air as a moment of embrace for this new day.  And yes, Starbucks is the answer if you'd like to start your day off right.) 

The best way to be positive and happy is to think positive and happy thoughts.  On my drive to work, I thought of a handful of things that I would consider my happy place.  And here I am to share them with you to help brighten my day (and maybe even yours.)

In no particular order---

  • Flowers.  Which I happen to have a beautiful vase filled with beautiful flowers sitting on my dresser right now.  I should probably be spending more time in my room admiring them. I think I've said this a million times, but flowers just brighten your day no matter who they are from or what the reason.  They make you feel loved. 
My "just because" flowers from G <3 td="td">

  • Winning.  I love winning random prizes or contests or raffles.  Most people would say I'm pretty lucky (#LuckoftheBlonde), but I think I just try to see the best in things.  Winning even something small & silly can really make my day.  I really like winning parking ticket refutes, but I have not accomplished that in awhile (tear).  Occasionally, I win something awesome like a $50 gift card to Binnys.  Thanks XRT!! 

  • My six babies.  How can you just not smile at those precious gems?

  • Finding a song that fits your exact mood at that exact time.  It's like therapy on the radio.  Song of choice for today: "Love, Love, Love" by Of Monsters and Men.

  • Speaking of therapy, a sweaty run with my favorite running buddies or with an awesome playlist.  Sometimes I enjoy venting and talking through any frustrations while running, and sometimes its just better to pump it out to some energetic tunes.  Either way, running is definitely a happy place/ stress reliever.  Unfortunately, I am only still slowly working back into running, so I'm working on some alternatives to help me sweat it out. 

  • When things work out with little to no effort.  Such as an impromptu girls night dinner where the people invited are actually randomly free on a Tuesday!! (Thinking of Roots: wine & sweet potato tater tots! Yum!)  Or getting a text for free sporting events or concerts and actually being able to go.  Even something as simple as walking out your door and getting a cab instantaneously or catching the El without running is a day brightener. 
Sox Game for Wilson's Birthday-- thanks for organizing Cassie!!

  • Finding something you thought was lost.  Has anyone seen my silver watch?  That would make me happy right about now =)

  • Seeing old friends.  Not bumping into high school acquaintances and have to have awkward small talk with, but hanging out with your friends that you, for some reason or another, don't get to see as often as you'd like.  It just gives you a sense of "home" and "normalcy" feeling.  Makes you feel grounded and remember where you came from. 

  • PAYDAY! Which happens to be today. Self explanatory. 
And with that, I hope you have a fantastically bright and shiny day. 

(In fact, I already received word from my coworker, Leanne, that I have turned her day around since she walked into my room.  She left singing something about me being Sunshine.)


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