
Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Break, home edition

This spring break was not spent at the beach, (which I intend to never allow to happen again) but it all worked out because I got a lot done.  I mean a lot.  Plus, Florida wasn't warm enough for my liking.  Talked to my grandpa on Friday and he said it was high 60's.  What!  It ain't never in the 60's in N. Fort Myers.  That's crazy talk.  So the money saved on my tan was well worth it. 

I don't mean to brag, but I took down the mother of all checklists this break.  A special thanks to my MOH for conquering the never-ending list and the rest of my BM's for helping make some wedding decisions and cuts. 

Tasks completed:

  1. Centerpieces
  2. Bridesmaid's shoes

  1. Bridesmaid's Jewelry & Mine!
  2. Bubbles-- wasn't even on my checklist :)
  3. Table numbers-- which required a stop at the Home Depot, eek!
  4. Ceremony layout with Readings & Songs
  5. Created an impromptu "Love Story" Shutterfly book--It was free!
  6. Wedding invites arrived and addressed!  (See notes below.)
  7. Wedding Makeup Trial--Check. 

8. Registry updated.
9. And best of all I SOLD my CAR.  (And by me, I should say my Dad.  Thanks Dad!)  Bye, Bye, my love.

9. 5 I managed to play 2 games of monopoly.  I was proudly declared the Master of the Monopoly Rules. Try me.
9.75 I also managed 2 meals at Cooper's Hawk.  Not.a.mistake.

** I was very intrigued by this addressing wedding envelopes process.  **
Observations while addressing:
1.  I am enjoying this more than I think I'm supposed to.
2. I checked 4 different sites about the proper way to address a wedding invitation.  The 2nd envelope for a guest is really causing a conundrum.  I've had to use 4 different methods of addressing.  Names on the same line, different line, Dr's names, oh my!
3. My biggest problem addressing is determining the spacing.. but damn am I killing the "Illinois."

4.  It's all about the right writing utensil.
5.  How do you address a woman who is divorced, separated, or divorced and widowed?  Why are woman so much more complicated than men.  Can't we just have a standard "Mr." title.
6. We have a lot of out-of-state- guests.. I should have planned to visit them on my spring break.  :) 

All in all, Spring break was a stay-at-home success.  I am not mad or disappointed that my tanned skin came from a Victoria Secret bottle and that I didn't sip frozen drinks by the calm, crashing ocean waves.  I will just have to hold out 60 long days til Nashville to resume my vacationing habits. 
