
Friday, May 11, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week

Today wraps up another successful teacher appreciation week.  We teachers are truly spoiled this week by our parents (at least I can speak for the elementary teachers in my district). At my school, the students and parents provide us with flowers, cards, candies, desserts, breakfasts and lunch, and awesome raffle prizes throughout the week.  It is a very thoughtful and well-put together week that shows that the parents and students (mostly the parents) appreciate their child's teacher. 

Now, I know many of my friends are groaning and griping about another "luxury" of being a teacher.  Of course I am referring to those same people who say we have too much vacation time, don't work long enough hours, and just get to play with kids and go on field trips every day.  Well the purpose of this particular post is not to argue or defend those points with you.  I love my job, but not for any of those (misconceived) reasons listed above.  It's this week that reminds me why I do what I do; Why I put so much time and effort into work day in and day out. It's for the kids and for the parents who are trusting me with their kids. 

Many of my friends who criticize my work don't have children.  My only friend with a kid made it a point to call me and wish me a happy Teacher Appreciation Week.  This doesn't upset me at all, but it's very telling.  You can't truly appreciate teachers until you have kids.  When you have kids, you give your precious child to teachers for 6 1/2 hours a day, and trust the teachers to nurture them, teach them, and protect them from all of life's harm.  This is a lot pressure for us teachers.  Teachers probably spend a like amount of time with students as students spend with their parents.  Actually, it is not uncommon for a student to mistakenly call me "mom."

This week, parents go out of their way to thank teachers because we have successfully attended to their child's every need.  We've cleaned up cuts, tied shoes, saved tears, listened to countless long winded stories, fostered friendships, problem solved, reads to and with, and above all, keep their babies safe and,happy as they grow into the next stage of their life. 

One day (my friends without children) you too will appreciate the people who are extremely important in your precious little darlings life.  (Or you will be the parent that thinks teachers do nothing and question our every decision.  It will be a rough going for them. )

A big thanks to all those who already appreciate us teachers, and made our week so special. 
A different set of flowers from all my students =)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey

I first heard about this book in a tweet from Kristin Cavallari about her "horn dog" friends reading it, and it intrigued me.  I didn't think much of it, but it seems to be everywhere now.  I've heard about it on every morning talk radio show in the past two weeks.  Listeners calling in have commented various things stating: I can't put the book down; Don't read it in public or around your children; Another referred to it as "mom porn"; One listener admitted she has read the trilogy 3 times in 2 weeks-- this is just embarrassing.  Maybe if she put the books down she could find someone to create a reenactment.

I have to admit... what's not intriguing about this book?? It's so raunchy that it has been banned from 3 state libraries (Florida, Georgia, and Wisconsin).  Though from the way the readers have described the novel, I'm not sure this is a book that you want to pass around. Just. Doesn't. Seem. Sanitary.    

So why haven't I read it?  Well for starters, I haven't gotten into a book for a month or so because the last one I read was quite the struggle.  Secondly, I had mixed feelings about reading something so blatantly pornographic.  I'm not really sure what it would say about me.  And finally, other readers revealed that the writing by E.L. James is mediocre at best, so you can't even pretend your reading other than for the sex. 

Well, inquiring minds need to know.  I decide if I get the okay from my two co-workers, then it must be okay.  I brought the idea up to the one, and she said she was going to suggest it for a summer reading book club for us three. (Yup!) Meanwhile, the other one is already 1/2 way through.  I think I got my answer folks. 

I'll justify reading fifty Shades of Grey by noting that it is currently holding the top three spots on the New York Times Best Sellers List with book 1, 2, and 3. ;-).  Happy Reading!! 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Stop this Train

Yesterday, I got to have dinner with one of my best friends since high school.  We shared a bottle of wine and updated each other on our lives and funny happenings.  We eventually recognized that it has been the first time that we have hung out in awhile where we weren't celebrating someones birthday, or meeting up at a bar because we happen to be in the same neighborhood.  It was nice.  It's funny how you can get so caught up in "meeting up" with people but never really "catch up with people.  He wasn't my only high school friend that I caught up with this weekend.  And I have to confess, both interactions made me a little nostalgic. 

I wouldn't say I miss high school.  I wouldn't go back or trade in anything from my life now.  But
there's something about old friends;  Something about high school and childhood friends that's so real.  You know, that no matter how much "you've changed," grown up, or went your separate ways, childhood friends know you to your core.  They know all the embarrassing things and all the happiness and hardships that make you, you.  You'll never have friends like that again.  You'll make new friends, and I'm sure the new memories will be amazing, but they won't replace the old ones. 

The best part about old friends, is that every time you see each other, its like no time has passed at all.  You poke fun at things that happened in the past and the present because you can bare each others faults without consequence.  After some time of catching up, you inevitably get to that conversation of why things aren't the same anymore. Because it's always something.  And this is the part that gets me every time.  Don't you think it's sad that things like this are always changing? Friendships, relationships, family, jobs, life.  They all change whether you want them to or not.  I know change can be good, even great.  But change with people.. it's never easy. 

John Mayer sings a song titled, "Stop This Train" in which the chorus goes:

               *Stop this train*
               *I want to get off and go home again*
               *I can't take the speed it's moving in*
               *I know I can't but honestly won't someone stop this train*

The best part of the song however isn't the chorus. The chorus is the easy way of thinking.  It's the feeling bad for losing touch.  It's the not being as involved with others' lives because yours becomes to busy.  It's the not being a part of something that you always have been in the past.  The past is safe and amicable.. its home.  But no, those lines of the song are the simple part.  It's the conversation with his dad which makes you rethink that "nostalgia".  It's that part of the song that says: Don't look back.  Enjoy everything in the moment and move on with life the way its supposed to.  "Don't for a minute change the place your in."  -- Pretty sound words to live by. 

So I guess that means I should say goodbye to my nostalgia and appreciate where I today and the people who got me here.  So here's to you:  All my friends who've known me so well for so long.. who helped make me the person I am today.. and who are still very much a part of my life everyday, even if you're not physically with me.  I am truly blessed to have so many people in my life that have made a difference and wouldn't change any of my experiences in hope for more happiness.

(Yes, its appropriate to raise your glass to that.)