
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Oh My YUM!

I'm not one of those people who hate lettuce.  I thoroughly enjoy it actually.  But the other day I was craving a salad and just happened to be out of lettuce.  I scoped out the rest of the situation in my fridge and my ingredients were calling to me.  I found tomato, red onion, garlic, mushroom, cheese, garbanzo beans, cucumbers and even some fresh seasonings like parsley and basil.  I had a lot of options in there.  Actually, the amount of combinations of what you could put into a salad is overwhelming.  Cheese/ no cheese? Beans/ no beans? Red onion or white?  And the most important decision.. the dressing.   I usually like to decide the dressing first because it dictates what ingredients are going into my salad.  I picked balsamic.  (Newman's Own Lite Balsamic is a personal favorite, but plain balsamic works just as well.)

I eyed my mushrooms which were in desperate need of being eaten.  Sometimes I get a little skeptical about mushrooms and their flavor so I grilled them up with some Olive Oil cooking spray and fresh sliced garlic just to be sure I'd enjoy them.  This is how I handle any food I may not like. Put it on the grill for the obvious reason that everything tastes better on the grill (and sauteed in garlic).  The other chosen ingredients were tomato, red onion, and crumbled goat cheese. Extra salt and pepper.  I diced up my medium sized tomato, and about 1/2 of a red onion.  Mixed in my grilled shrooms & garlic. Sprinkled on about a 2 tbsp of goat cheese.  Topped with 1tbsp of balsamic vinegar dressing.  Salt. Salt. Pepper.  Stir.  YUMMMMMM!!  One of the most heavenly things I ever tasted until.....


So I've been pretty much sharing said recipe with everyone because the combination is unreal.  I have  eaten it 4 times in the past week.  I tried to add in some mixed green lettuce, but it just wasn't the same.   But yesterday, this recipe received the best gift a salad could ask for "The Game Changer" Avocado.

Taryn offered to make the scrumptious salad adding in avocado!  I accepted without hesitation.  As you can see the beautiful masterpiece above is a winner.   Here's the latest version of what I call the Lettuce-less Salad.

The Lettuce-Less Salad (for two)


  • One ripe avocado (without skin or seed, diced chunky)
  • 1 1/2 cups of sliced mushrooms (or baby bella mushrooms)
  • 6 cloves of garlic (thinly sliced)
  • 1 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Olive Oil Cooking Spray
  • 1 medium red onion (diced)
  • 2 medium tomatoes (diced, chunky)
  • 4 tbsp Crumbled goat cheese
  • 4 tbsp of Balsamic Vinegar
  1. Heat a saute pan or grill pan.  Add oil/ spray and garlic.
  2. After about 1 minute (when you can smell the garlic), add in the mushrooms.  Let it cook for about 5 minutes on med-high heat.
  3. While those are cooking, dice tomato, onion, avocado.  Divide evenly onto two plates.
  4. Add the mushrooms, top with cheese and balsamic vinegar.
  5. SALT SALT and pepper. 
  6. ENJOY!
Its not only tasty and filling, but nutrition too!  Check out the nutritional value in this guy: 

Calories: 307.7; Total Fat: 20.6 g; Cholesterol: 11.2 mg; Sodium: 106.3 mg; Total Carbs: 27.0 g; Dietary Fiber: 9.0 g; Protein: 8.6 g

And if you're really feeling hungry.. you could add in another half of an avocado to each plate for 144 calories.  Or eat the whole salad and don't share =)  

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Joys of Traveling

The only thing that stands between you and your relaxing and mindless vacation destination is the good ole airport.  I know it's important that airport security is tight & that it is all for our own safety.  Being terrified of flying as it is, I am appreciative of the tightened security in the last decade.  However, there are just certain things about the airport that don't make logical sense, and it seems that no one is in the process of fixing the airport to make travel more efficient. 

1. For starters, lets put people who have never been in the airport in their own section.  They can learn about taking off your shoes, removing metal items, and what you can or cannot put in your carry-on luggage.  This would save more experienced travelers a lot more time.  I have seen this done at Midway (of all places).  They have a separate line for people who know what they're doing, and I approve.  More airports should look into this. 

2. How many people do you need to show your ID and boarding pass to.  I thought it was enough to have the guy who scans you in, checks that your ID matches your ticket and sends you on your way through security.  Now they put an extra person at the front of the security scan line.  I don't think this is slowing anyone down since the line is usually long, but come on. 

3.  When you finally make it to the security line, how can they put so much trust in one man.  There is only one person checking the monitors for unapproved items and though they've done a good job thus far, can't we get another guy out there.  If nothing else, they can search the bags that look suspicious or if it's not clear they passed inspection.  Two heads are better than one and really would make the job a lot faster. Common Sense.

4. This fee for checking bags is just disturbing to me.  It's bad enough that they took away free snacks on the airplane, but now this.  I mean who is traveling without luggage? Has traveling via airplanes become geared towards strictly business men and women who travel for a day with only a briefcase?  You cannot fly without luggage, so it just should  not be an extra fee. Period. That would be like paying to get into Great American and then buying tickets to ride each roller coaster OR going to a 3D movie and paying an extra fee to use the 3D glasses.  Doesn't.Make.Sense.  

5. I have (the best) carry on bag from VS that's pretty much a duffel bag on wheels.  I learned this past weekend, after being checked twice, that if I pack the right amount of stuff, it fits perfectly into those "luggage size check" metal things.  Regardless of the size, if it looks too big they want to check it at the gate.  It pisses me off when they take my bag because I took the time to carefully pack the right amount of stuff, not including my very necessary Fudge hair products, so that I could avoid a $25 fee and an extended hour of "travel".  Fail.

6.Now I haven't worked out all the kinks.. but wouldn't it make sense to let people with carry-on items off the plane first.  I realize some of these people might be in the window aisle.. but in any event.. if you are waiting for luggage at the baggage claim, just sit your ass down and stay calm.  You will be waiting awhile.  Now that I think of it, they should probably put more effort into the disembarking process.  People would pay more money to be let off the plane first rather than to board first.

7.  Let's go back to this business man/woman idea.  Is it me, or are there like 8 different groups of people that board the plane before group 1.  You got your first class, business class, that specific airline members group, gold members, people who pay $9 for priority boarding, people with children, blahblahblah.  Seriously. Let's just do the sensible thing and board from the back to the front starting with the window seats to the aisle.  Are you really that special if you get to sit on the plane first and watch everyone else board? And if you need that priority seating to make you feel important, you probably are just.not.that.important.

8.  I usually have pretty great flight attendants, but every so often I get one like I had on American Airlines on my return flight from New York.  He felt it was part of his job to reprimand me and preach to me the "right thing to do".  Thanks, I already have a father.  Nothing puts a worse taste in your mouth when someone in hospitality mistreats you, unwarranted.  Isn't it your job to be nice to people?

Well the airport and airlines are obviously doing something right because people continue to travel.  I have to say, online check in has been life changing..allowing me to get to my gate precisely at my boarding time.  The bathroom facilities are impeccable (at least at O'hare).  They still serve beverages on the plane.  Sometimes you get some sort of free upgrade that just turns your whole airport/ flying experience around.  And most importantly.. it's better than driving really really far distances.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Avon Walk: In it to end it

Sometime around February, I thought I should do the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.  I was hesitant because you are required to raise a minimum of  $1,800.  But a few weeks later, still going back and forth, I just went for it and signed up.  I tried convincing my sister and she too was nervous about taking on such a huge fundraising task.  Well I took the plunge anyway, and within one week of sending an email out to all my friends, family, and coworkers, I met my goal.  Overwhelmed by everyone's generosity, I urged my sister to create her own donation page so I could have some extra support on the trail.  And she did it too!  Together we raised an astonishing $5,065.00.

So 39.3 miles is really far.  I knew this going into it, but being a runner I know that you get everywhere faster if you run than walk.  Walking is not my ideal form of exercise or entertainment though I do enjoy a good walk now and again.  If we want to talk about my training.. it didn't happen.  The most I can say about my training is this: Thank God I didn't run my half marathon 2 weeks ago.  That's about the only prep work I'd done..  I'd say, despite my injuries, that I'm in pretty good shape so I was banking on that to get me thru this 2-day marathon and a half.

Things were going pretty well for the first leg of the day.  Kim joined us for a quick walk along the lake. (Thanks friend!) But at the mile 10 mark (the lunch stop), I needed to be wrapped up. My knees were not agreeing with the situation at hand.  By mile 20.. Jamie and I were falling apart both physically and mentally.  It was at that point I decided that no human being should be traveling 26.2 miles by foot (running or walking).  We had a nice long rest break and medical care at mile 20 and set our sights on our guest walkers at mile 21: Giorgio &Taryn.

Crossing the finish line the first day was pretty emotional, personally.  I felt like the hard part was done and could not even begin to understand how my legs would recover in order to do it again tomorrow.  The night wasn't easy either.  I do not know how people spent the night in a tent after day like that. Me.. I went home to a glass of wine, two ice packs, a shower, comfy bed, Jerry's Sandwich, and our personal masseuse (THANKS Heather!) and still.. was not feeling confident about another 13.1 miles. 

Day 2 was just as tough as you'd imagine.  But when you gotta do something, you just do it.. and we did.  The support and encouragement along the way from the people who lined the street and the 2,800+ walkers on our path was inspirational and gave us the strength (blisters & bum knees in all) to cross the final finish line. 

 Every walker had their own motives.   Some were breast cancer survivors themselves, others lost loves ones or are supporting someone who is still fighting, and some walk to help find the cure before it affects someone in their life. But no matter the back story, the distinct message and purpose was simple:  In it to end it.  Find the cure so women, men and families no longer need to suffer.

This was one of the toughest experiences I have been through.  Undergoing such a difficult challenge makes me think about how that mental and physical struggle that I just went thru pales in comparison to the fight against cancer.  The walk reminded me how strong my Mom was, not just for 2 days but for years.  It reminds me that life is full of challenges is, but with love, support, and hope, you can beat the odds. I cannot thank everyone enough for their support, text messages, likes on facebook, and donations that made this event possible for ME.   

This past weekend, I was one of the 2,800 walkers who came together in Chicago to walk 39.3 miles and raise $6.3 million dollars to help end Breast Cancer.  And though I'm still sore, I feel great.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hello... again

Hi Strangers,

Yes.. I know I have been slacking and I know some of you may be confused as to why since summer break started for me last Tuesday.  But it always seems those first few weeks of summer are the busiest.  I've had lots to talk about, just not enough time to get it down on paper.

(I'm not going to lie to you, most of my free time has been consumed by the infamous Fifty Shades of Grey. I'm now on book two (Fifty Shades Darker) and I have to know how this twisted situation pans out.)

First of all, how is it June 5th?? (Happy Birthday G) The end of the school year just flew by & was crazy as ever with all the events for 5th graders.  I think they got more recognition and praise than I did for graduating with my Master's Degree.  Do parents know that everyone passes 5th grade?

Since I feel like I have so much to say with so little depth to elaborate on-- I'll give you the cliff notes version of what's on my blonde brain:
  1. 39.3 miles is a long way on your feet.  I just completed the Avon Breast Cancer Walk with my sister! It was very challenging and we raised lots of money!! (More details tomorrow!)
  2. I have a real problem over buying food at the grocery store which leads to anxiety.  
  3. Holy s#%!*^ Mad Men! 
  4. I ordered Brown Medical shin splint ice packs from Amazon.  These are going to be my answer, I just know it.
  5. I have not slept past 7am on my summer break so far.. not even on the weekend!
  6. We went to SPACE in Evanston and discovered this catchy and mellow artist.. Pat McKillen. I'm planning on seeing him again on June 14th @ Wrightwood Tap. 
  7. I'm in the market for a babysitting job this summer and am not having any luck =/  Anyone know of someone in need?
  8. My closet has too many jackets & dress pants in it, but no where to store them for the summer.  City storage space.. blah!  
  9. I need new running shoes & I'm excited at the hopes of running again very soon.  I was resting up my very injured legs for the walk, but now I'm ready to get back (though I'm even more injured at the moment.)
  10. I received some snail mail the other day that wasn't a Save the Date or a Wedding Shower invitation from Chris titled "She Really Wanted That Vodka"  It's short & hysterical. Read it.
  11. Why is Gossip Girl, the show in which I model my life after, being taken off the air? #doesntmakesense
  12. I went to my first cubs game of the season and they actually won! (Thanks Kim!)  It was actually pathetic though, how many people tried to give away their tickets to me at the game.  
  13. Tonight I'm making this Vinegar-Braised Chicken with Leeks & Peas from that my Oma made for me.   She stole the magazine out of the doctor's office waiting room.. I just looked it up online.
  14. Is basketball still going on? HOCKEY??  When do the BEARS start?
  15. I'm going to New York this weekend with Melissssaaaaaaaaa for Melody's Baby Shower! Can't wait to be poolside at her beautiful home in the SouthHampton's!
  16. I have a stack of gift cards about 2 inches thick.  Of which include over $100 to Starbucks.  There's a lot Iced Passion Fruit Tea to be had in my life.  
  17. I can't believe Lexi is dead!!
  18. The summer construction on my street and surrounding my house are irritating.  
  19.  I really want an iPhone.  I just want instagram.  And words with friends back.. my iTouch went swimming and did not recover. I'm still mourning my loss. 
  20. I do a little celebration every time I get my user name and password correct on the first time.  There's just too many.
  21. I just found out that I have an imposter on Facebook.  I didn't really think I was that important.
  22. If you're obsessed with Call Me Maybe (like me), but haven't seen this youtube video, you don't know what you're missing. 
  23. I really need a new laptop.  Does anyone know when the new Macs are coming out?
  24. I think people bring up my birthday month extravaganza more than me... JS
Ahh..  That feels better now that it's off my chest.  Back to regular postings tomorrow.  Happy Tuesday!!  Xo