
Monday, June 18, 2012

The Joys of Traveling

The only thing that stands between you and your relaxing and mindless vacation destination is the good ole airport.  I know it's important that airport security is tight & that it is all for our own safety.  Being terrified of flying as it is, I am appreciative of the tightened security in the last decade.  However, there are just certain things about the airport that don't make logical sense, and it seems that no one is in the process of fixing the airport to make travel more efficient. 

1. For starters, lets put people who have never been in the airport in their own section.  They can learn about taking off your shoes, removing metal items, and what you can or cannot put in your carry-on luggage.  This would save more experienced travelers a lot more time.  I have seen this done at Midway (of all places).  They have a separate line for people who know what they're doing, and I approve.  More airports should look into this. 

2. How many people do you need to show your ID and boarding pass to.  I thought it was enough to have the guy who scans you in, checks that your ID matches your ticket and sends you on your way through security.  Now they put an extra person at the front of the security scan line.  I don't think this is slowing anyone down since the line is usually long, but come on. 

3.  When you finally make it to the security line, how can they put so much trust in one man.  There is only one person checking the monitors for unapproved items and though they've done a good job thus far, can't we get another guy out there.  If nothing else, they can search the bags that look suspicious or if it's not clear they passed inspection.  Two heads are better than one and really would make the job a lot faster. Common Sense.

4. This fee for checking bags is just disturbing to me.  It's bad enough that they took away free snacks on the airplane, but now this.  I mean who is traveling without luggage? Has traveling via airplanes become geared towards strictly business men and women who travel for a day with only a briefcase?  You cannot fly without luggage, so it just should  not be an extra fee. Period. That would be like paying to get into Great American and then buying tickets to ride each roller coaster OR going to a 3D movie and paying an extra fee to use the 3D glasses.  Doesn't.Make.Sense.  

5. I have (the best) carry on bag from VS that's pretty much a duffel bag on wheels.  I learned this past weekend, after being checked twice, that if I pack the right amount of stuff, it fits perfectly into those "luggage size check" metal things.  Regardless of the size, if it looks too big they want to check it at the gate.  It pisses me off when they take my bag because I took the time to carefully pack the right amount of stuff, not including my very necessary Fudge hair products, so that I could avoid a $25 fee and an extended hour of "travel".  Fail.

6.Now I haven't worked out all the kinks.. but wouldn't it make sense to let people with carry-on items off the plane first.  I realize some of these people might be in the window aisle.. but in any event.. if you are waiting for luggage at the baggage claim, just sit your ass down and stay calm.  You will be waiting awhile.  Now that I think of it, they should probably put more effort into the disembarking process.  People would pay more money to be let off the plane first rather than to board first.

7.  Let's go back to this business man/woman idea.  Is it me, or are there like 8 different groups of people that board the plane before group 1.  You got your first class, business class, that specific airline members group, gold members, people who pay $9 for priority boarding, people with children, blahblahblah.  Seriously. Let's just do the sensible thing and board from the back to the front starting with the window seats to the aisle.  Are you really that special if you get to sit on the plane first and watch everyone else board? And if you need that priority seating to make you feel important, you probably are just.not.that.important.

8.  I usually have pretty great flight attendants, but every so often I get one like I had on American Airlines on my return flight from New York.  He felt it was part of his job to reprimand me and preach to me the "right thing to do".  Thanks, I already have a father.  Nothing puts a worse taste in your mouth when someone in hospitality mistreats you, unwarranted.  Isn't it your job to be nice to people?

Well the airport and airlines are obviously doing something right because people continue to travel.  I have to say, online check in has been life changing..allowing me to get to my gate precisely at my boarding time.  The bathroom facilities are impeccable (at least at O'hare).  They still serve beverages on the plane.  Sometimes you get some sort of free upgrade that just turns your whole airport/ flying experience around.  And most importantly.. it's better than driving really really far distances.

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